"Mooncat Jack," excerpt from Resurrection House, Dark Regions Press, Colusa, Calif., 2009. [Read the excerpt.]
"Trick," excerpt from Resurrection House, Dark Regions Press, Colusa, Calif., 2009. [Read the excerpt.]
"Way of the Bone," excerpt from Bad-Ass Faeries 2: Just Plain Bad. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Lee Hillmann, L. Jagi Lamplighter, and Jeff Lyman, eds. Marietta, GA: Marietta Publishing, 2008. [Read the excerpt.]
"War Movies ," excerpt from So It Begins. Mike McPhail, ed. New Jersey: Dragon Moon Press, 2009. [Read the excerpt.]
"The Law of the Kuzzi," complete story, published @ Space Westerns.com, September 2007; originally published in No Longer Dreams, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Lee Hillmann, L. Jagi Lamplighter, and Jeff Lyman, eds. Baltimore, MD: Lite Circle Books, 2005. [Read the story.]




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