“There are moments when, even to the sober eye of Reason, the world of our sad Humanity may assume the semblance of Hell…” —Edgar Allan Poe, “The Premature Burial.”
“…when you have finished this bizarre account, judge for yourself its believability, and then try to tell yourself, wherever you may be, it couldn’t happen here.” —Carl Kolchak, The Night Stalker
Kolchak, The Night Stalker: The Edgar Allan Poe Cases
From tell-tale hearts and premature burials to black cats and the Red Death, reporter Carl Kolchak grapples with deepening horror and madness as events from Edgar Allan Poe’s tales of mystery and imagination come to life in modern-day Baltimore. Kolchak teams with a street magician who performs tricks and escapes inspired by Poe to expose the supernatural power bringing the author’s deadly visions to life and solve a series of terrifying occurrences, disappearances, and murders.

Written by James Chambers, Art by Luis Czerniawski, Felipe Kroll, and Jim Fern, Letters by Bernie Lee, Cover by E.M. Gist.